In the winter, the grey-brown hues of the Flow Country disguise the incredible range of plant life it is home to. In spring and summer this living landscape explodes in colour, with lots of fascinating plants to discover.
By far the most significant plants in the Flow Country are the Sphagnum mosses, which are integral to creating the watery ecosystem and forming peat. There is a whole page dedicated to moss, discover more here.
Flowering Plants
Some of the most eye-catching plants on the bog, these bright flowers attract a variety of insects.
Dùthaich nam boglaichean
Insectivorous Plants
The lack of nutrients in the bog has led to some impressive adaptations to allow plants to survive. Some plants survive the lack of nutrients in the soil by finding their food elsewhere- they trap insects and secrete enzymes to digest them!
From water voles to red deer, The Flow Country is home to some of Scotland’s most iconic mammal species. While herds of red deer are not easy to miss, many more elusive species can be found in this vast landscape.
The Flow Country is excellent habitat for wildlife, but this ecosystem is valuable for people too! Ecosystem services are the direct and indirect contributions ecosystems make for human wellbeing. The Flow Country provides several important services for people.
The cold far north of Scotland might not be the what comes to mind as ideal amphibian and reptile habitat. However, there are 6 different species of amphibian and reptile which can be found throughout the Flow Country!
Peatlands have been historically undervalued. In the UK, 80% of peatlands have been degraded, often in attempts to drain them for agriculture and forestry. We now have a better understanding of peatlands and the vital role they play in the fight against climate change.