Next Steps – Crofting Common Grazings

Unlocking Common Grazing Potential

Common Grazings Context

Across Caithness and Sutherland there are around 120,000 ha of crofting land held as common grazing, within these there are relatively large areas of peatland, including sites of degraded peatland needing restored.

Stock grazing (usually sheep) levels are typically low in the Flow Country and peatland restoration aligns well with this current land use.

Pilot Common Grazings Project

Meetings have been held with multiple common grazings to date, and there is strong interest in developing a collaborative income opportunity for landowners and common grazing shareholders.

Initial advice received from solicitors outlining the potential pathways to progress an agreement between Flow Country Restoration Ltd, the Landowner, and Common Grazing Shareholders.

Scoping work is underway to finalise an initial site to follow on from the hill farm and sporting estate projects, the timeline for delivery of restoration on this common grazing restoration project is Autumn 2025 – Spring 2026.