This game lets you take on the role of peatland manager!

Peatlands, wild places as they often are, are managed for different activities by land users such as farmers, crofters and sporting estates, and for the natural habitats to maintain their character and their important function as wildlife sanctuary, peat builder and carbon sink.

Become a peatland manager and learn what it takes to successfully manage a peatland site for its natural properties to help reduce global warming, while causing minimal disturbance to the wildlife.

You can also download it for free from the app store!

Scenarios and events in this game are indicative and simplified for educational purposes. As such, they should not be considered an exact representation of real world circumstances.

Carbon Capture – The Game

Become a peatland manager and see what it takes to store as much carbon as possible and protect the peatlands. Each game lasts 8 minutes and there are three levels of difficulty to choose from.

Some screenshots:











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